Favourite Movies

  • A Wonderful Life
  • Aliens 2
  • Blade Runner
  • Carlitos Way
  • Casablanca
  • Cross of Iron
  • Goodfellas
  • Ice Age
  • Kelly's Heroes
  • Shrek
  • The Chronicles of Riddick
  • The Deerhunter
  • The General
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Usual Suspects

Saturday 30 January 2010

Life, snow and bankers

Here we are a new year, but already some old habits and realities have come back. Snow paralyses the country, the banking system rips us all off, and we are surprised by both events!

Can we ever have a world where we say enough? What is it about the human condition that we accept greed as an acceptable form of behaviour? Surely the financial world is made up of human beings, surely they realise the contempt their actions attract, the disbelief ehcoeing around the planet at their sheer audacity, their reluctance to show care towards people, communties even countrys, their attitude of irresponsibility.

Is the human race all like this? Is this the real face of mankind, are we doomed to repeat this cycle of greed, corruption and disregard for others forever?

I dont think so, it is a new year, it is a new reality, it is what we make it. We have the power in our own actions, thoughts and deeds to be positive, to be responsible for others, to be human.

I think so, or at least I hope so.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Well first blog for me, I started this to get a point of view out there. I have a job that does great things and sometimes does not do enough. I work with young people and sometimes we can help them sometimes it feels that others do not. Not their fault I suppose but what do you think? We deal with homeless people a lot and some of the case we get, well they would make you cry beacuse they are ordinary people who come from families or situations where the people who should care for them dont any more, for lots of different reasons. This is really what I think people should know about, what I mean is that sometimes society thinks things are out of everybodys control and nobody can do anything about anything when really if we look at things from a different point of view well we can and should do small things that actually have a big effect, I mean taking the time to listen to each other is all it takes sometimes.
